At PsychoGenics, we provide transformative solutions for preclinical DMD research, driving rigorous scientific inquiry into this X-linked genetic disorder marked by muscle degeneration. Our extensive resources and seasoned expertise are dedicated to elucidating DMD’s intricacies and accelerating your therapeutic development. 

Preclinical DMD Research: The Genetic Underpinnings

The hallmark of DMD is the absence of dystrophin, an integral protein bridging the muscle fiber cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix. Boys affected by DMD experience a progressive decline in muscle strength and loss of muscle mass, typically manifesting by the age of 2 years, underscoring the urgency of effective research and interventions.

Utilizing The mdx Mouse Model

While various animal models exist, PsychoGenics utilizes the C57Bl/10ScSn-Dmdmdx/J (Mdx) mouse model, widely recognized as the primary animal model for DMD research. These mice harbor a specific mutation in exon 23, leading to premature termination of dystrophin synthesis. Our established, in-house colony of mdx mice has been meticulously studied and characterized. Through motor challenges that emphasize fatigue, these animals reveal early-onset muscle weakness — making it an ideal model for screening your novel therapeutic intervention. 

Advancing Preclinical DMD Research with Experience and Excellence

Our tailored studies aim to identify and evaluate potential therapeutic entities that can address the muscle weakness and progressive degeneration associated with DMD.

Collaborating for Groundbreaking DMD Advancements

PsychoGenics understands the power of close collaboration and rigorous science in preclinical DMD studies to accelerate research. Engage with us to discover your breakthrough and transform the lives of individuals affected by this devastating disorder.

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